Hi! I’m Juan, originally from Venezuela but have been jumping around the world for half of my life. After living for a few years in Spain and the UK I decided to leave everything behind in 2018 and live the nomadic life I like and share it with you on this backpacking blog.

What was supposed to be a one-year adventure backpacking on a budget became a three-year dream backpacking the world and if there’s anything I can tell you is that it’s pretty easy to do it, so if you’re having the same hunger and desire for seeing the world and experience more out of this beautiful planet I can only encourage you to go for it!

I’ve always felt grateful to the backpacking travel blogs I’ve found when planning my own trips in the past. So I’ve decided to do it myself and write my own backpacking blog, whether to record my own adventures, to give you first hand information if you’re researching for your trip or just to give you ideas for future holidays. If you’re looking for tips on how to travel the world, where to go backpacking or tips for camping in beautiful places I hope this blog is going to be useful for you.

If you have any questions or suggestions please give me a shout at hello@planetofadventures.com or drop a comment below!

My trips are almost always done on a budget in terms of transportation and accommodation so if low cost travel is what you’re looking for then keep reading! When it comes to food I always ask the locals for recommendations instead of reading online reviews.

I tend to run away from group travel tours that are normally pretty expensive and not so enjoyable, but I have done them as well. I have done solo backpacking travels and also many adventures with friends, both are great and depending on your personality you may enjoy one more than the other, both have great advantages!

Any external links on this blog are either of places I stayed or activities I have done. None of them are sponsored and some may be affiliate links, but in all cases, no one is paying me to say anything nice of them.

I don’t like when other blogs put links of places they have never stayed and I only put links to hostels or hotels that I definitely stayed and payed to stay there, when you click on those links and make a booking or purchase something, you will be supporting the maintenance of this blog at no extra cost to you.

I hope you enjoy whatever I ramble about and whether you’re looking for camping adventures, hiking trips, or just backpacking travel stories feel free to leave your comments and/or questions as I’m looking forward for this backpacking blog to be useful for many and your questions/comments may help others too to go and make their dreams to travel the world a reality!

Koko Head Crater viewpoint